Mind Magic Hypnosis
Tap into your inner potential through understanding your own subconscious mind, and learn how to use the hidden power of your mind to create incredible life transformations. You can achieve this through hypnotherapy, and mindset training. Akin to a form of mental alchemy, I call it mind magic!
Change your mind to change your life!
Hypnotherapy to help you rewrite the story of your life.
What is Mindset Training?
Mindset Training is a solution-focused one-on-one, collaborative process in which we use a strict mental diet along with diving into your subconscious mind's programming to help you achieve goals and improve your relationships, personally and professionally.
Our mental diet encompasses our thoughts, and learning how to reframe our negative perspectives, as well as what we expose ourselves to that affect our psyche. This includes movies, television, music, books, entertainment, and even gossip - and what we're exposed to via toxic people and relationships in our lives. Having a healthy mental diet doesn't mean that we don't have bad days, deny our negative feelings, or don't feel sad/angry/upset when bad things happen. It means that when we do have a bad day and are deep in our negative feelings, we feel them, process them, and let them go. We don't dwell in them and stay stuck in our negativity.
All our feelings, even the negative ones, serve a purpose. I think it's important to feel, and process. But then, let go. Everything is temporary.
Through our session work we will discover your personal limiting beliefs, put you on a strict mental diet, do journaling exercises and other proven techniques to help reprogram the dominant thoughts in your subconscious mind. I have a lot of tools in my toolbox to help you achieve your goals and really start to harness the power of your own mind. Experience how a healthy mental diet will transform your life. Try my free 30-Day Mental Diet Challenge!
Change your mind, to change your life!